Participate in the ULSE Standards Development Process

We need your unique knowledge and experience. Together, we can make a worldwide impact on safety, security, and sustainability.

Choose a Pathway


Anyone can participate as a stakeholder and follow our standards. There are no specific qualifications and the only prerequisite is registration to our Collaborative Standards Development System (CSDS) platform. 

Upon accessing CSDS and following a standard, you will automatically be added to its open and future work areas.

In these work areas, you will have the ability to do the following:

  • Review proposals
  • View comments 
  • Comment on proposals
  • View the vote summary (when available)

Detailed steps are available in the downloadable Resource Guide.

TC Member

For a more structured commitment with UL Standards development and the additional ability to vote during balloting, consider becoming a technical committee (TC) member. 

The process of joining a TC involves submitting an online application through our MyInfo portal for review and consideration.

Once approved, you will automatically gain access to the following:

  • Notifications for TC meetings
  • The ability to comment and vote on proposals for the standard(s) covered by the TC in CSDS
  • The published UL Standard(s) covered by the TC

Detailed steps are available in the downloadable Resource Guide.

Compare Pathways

FollowerTC Member
Can review standard proposalsAs interestedHighly encouraged
Can read, respond to, and add commentsAs interestedHighly encouraged
Can attend meetingsAs interestedHighly encouraged
Can vote to implement changes for a standard into publicationNAHighly encouraged
